Command line options

The command line is a text string that is passed to the system whenever any program is executed; it contains the path to the program with the following set of parameters. In Windows, you can start a program via Start Menu “Run…” command or by clicking on a Shortcut on the Desktop or in Start menu. If you start a program by clicking a Shortcut, you can edit the command line for the program in Shortcut Properties' “Target” input box.

DBF Doctor supports command line parameters for batch file processing:

dbfdoctor.exe -i <file or folder> -o <save path> [-s suffix] [-p prefix] [-ext (dbf | dbc)] [/n] [/k] [/v] [/o] [/auto]


-i <file or folder> specifies that the next argument is a source file or folder. If not specified the program uses current path.

-o <save path> specifies that the next argument is a target folder. If not specified the program uses source path.

Optional parameters:

/auto analyse and repair dbf file data in automatical mode ( this mode requires Advanced License )

-s suffix specifies that the next argument is a suffix string that should be added to each repaired dbf file.

-p prefix specifies that the next argument is a prefix string that should be added to each repaired dbf file.

-ext (dbf | dbc) specifies that the program should process *.dbf or *.dbc files. Default is dbf.

/n specifies that the program should process all nested folders

/k retains all data, when you restore a DBF file and save it. All data is saved whether the data is correct or not. By default all wrong data are set to default (empty) values.

/v specifies that the program should show progress window

/o specifies to overwrite all existing files